A Debit Card that GIVES BACK to your School
Show your school spirit and help support your school at the same time! Choose a debit card with your favorite local school’s mascot on it and we’ll donate to that school for every swipe made! The more you swipe, the more money you earn for the school!
The Mascot Debit Card is available for new checking accounts and can also be requested as a replacement debit card for an existing account by visiting any BTC Bank branch, where we can instantly issue your new card.
Is your child on their school's football, track and field, volleyball, basketball, soccer, or baseball teams? The BTC Mascot Debit Card is a great way to show your support.
Show your alumni, parent, or neighborhood pride with a School Mascot Debit Card!
- 7.5¢ donation made for each swipe
- Support your local school or university
- Show school spirit
Open an Account
Available School Mascot Debit Card designs:
- Albany Warriors (Albany School District)
- Applewood Christian Mustangs (Applewood Christian School)
- Battle High School Spartans (Columbia Public Schools)
- Bishop Hogan Eagles (Bishop Hogan Memorial School)
- Boonville Pirates (Boonville School District)
- Buffalo Bison (Dallas County School District)
- Cameron Dragons (Cameron School District)
- Carrollton Trojans (Carrollton School District)
- Central Decatur Cardinals
(Central Decatur Community School District)
- Chillicothe Hornets (Chillicothe School District)
- East Harrison Bobcats
(Cainsville & Ridgeway School Districts)
- Fayette Falcons (Fayette R-III School District)
- Gallatin Bulldogs (Gallatin School District)
- Gilman City Hawks (Gilman City School District)
- Graceland University
- Green Ridge Tigers (Green Ridge School District)
- Grundy County R-V Panthers
(Grundy County School District)
- Hale Cardinals (Hale School District)
- Hamilton Hornets (Hamilton R-2 School District)
- Hardin Bulldogs (Hardin-Central C-2 School District)
- Keytesville Tigers (Keytesville School District)
- Lamoni Demons (Lamoni Community School District)
- Laredo Tigers (Laredo R-VII School District)
- Maysville Wolverines (Maysville School District)
- New Franklin Bulldogs (New Franklin School District)
- Norborne Pirates (Norborne School District)
- North Daviess Knights (North Daviess School District)
- North Harrison Shamrocks
(North Harrison School District)
- Olive Hill Amish Mennonite School
- Osborn Wildcats (Osborn School District)
- Osborn/Stewartsville Wildcards
(Osborn and Stewartsville School Districts)
- Pattonsburg Panthers (Pattonsburg School District)
- Northwest Mustangs
(Pettis County R-V School District)
- Pilot Grove Tigers (Pilot Grove School District)
- Pleasant View Bluejays (Pleasant View R-IV, Trenton)
- Prairie Grove Amish Mennonite School
- Retrieving Freedom
- Sacred Heart Gremlins (Sedalia, Missouri)
- Salisbury Panthers (Salisbury R-IV School District)
- Sedalia School District Foundation
- SS Peter and Paul Catholic
(Diocese of Jefferson City)
- St. Joseph Catholic School Ravens
(Salisbury, Missouri)
- Skyline Tigers (Urbana School District)
- Smithton Tigers (Smithton School District)
- South Harrison Bulldogs
(South Harrison School District)
- South Holt Knights (South Holt School District)
- Southwest Ludlow Wildcats
(Southwest R-I School District)
- State Fair Community College Roadrunners
(State Fair Community College)
- Tina-Avalon Dragons (Tina-Avalon School District)
- Trenton Bulldogs (Trenton School District)
- Tri-County Mustangs (Tri-County School District)
- Winston Redbirds (Winston School District)
- Worth County Tigers (Worth County School District)
Choose a card that fits your favorite local school, and we’ll donate to that school for every swipe made!
Is Your School Not Listed Above?
Examples of some of the mascot debit card designs that are available: