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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
BTC Bank

Additional Business Services

Positive Pay

Protect your accounts from check fraud with the help of Positive Pay. Through Positive Pay, we are able to better identify potentially fraudulent checks more efficiently, protecting your business and operating in accordance with federal regulation timelines. With Positive Pay, you can: 
  • Upload and enter issued items (check numbers, dates, amounts, etc.).
    • Review exceptions (items that mismatch issued items).
    • Decision those exceptions to return or pay.
  • Review historical exceptions.
  • Stay one step ahead of fraud.
In addition to Positive Pay, our team provides a variety of services to support your business's growth and operational efficiency. Contact us to learn more.

Safe Deposit Boxes

BTC Bank Safe Deposit Boxes are a great place to store your valuables and important documents. Safe Deposit Boxes are available at all our branch locations. Boxes come in a wide range of sizes from 2 x 5 to 10 x 10.

ATM/Debit Cards

BTC Bank offers a debit card, which works like a check. You can use your debit card like an ATM card or like a check, to make cash purchases wherever they accept the MasterCard, NYCE, or Cirrus symbol. All purchases and ATM transactions are electronically deducted from your checking account. When you need convenient banking services anytime, day or night, you can count on BTC Bank’s automated teller system. Transactions before 6:00 p.m. are posted on the same day.

You will receive a receipt with each transaction. All purchases and ATM transactions are electronically deducted from your checking account, just as though you had written a check, and are then listed on your monthly checking statement.

Visit any of our full service locations and they will assist you with the application. ATM Debit Cards are subject to approval. View our ATM Locations for a complete listing of our local BTC Bank ATM’s.

MoneyPass® ATM Network

It is our goal to make access to your money as easy as possible, and as a member of the MoneyPass ATM Network we are able to provide surcharge-free ATM locations all across the county. Locate a MoneyPass ATM near you, look for the MoneyPass emblem on the ATM to ensure a qualified transaction within the MoneyPass ATM Network, and withdraw your cash surcharge-free.

How to Locate a MoneyPass ATM

Use your MoneyPass ATM card at any of the ATMs listed on the MoneyPass ATM Network site without paying a surcharge. If an address has more than one ATM, please look for the MoneyPass logo on a sign at the ATM or displayed on the ATM screen to avoid paying a surcharge. Locate a surcharge free ATM near you (Opens in a new Window)

To report lost or stolen debit cards, call (877) 262-2265.

Wire Transfers

BTC Bank has the capability of receiving and sending wires.

Our incoming wire instructions are:

  • Receiving Bank Name – MIB Jeff City MO
  • Routing Number – 086505273
  • Receiver Physical Address – 910 Weathered Rock Road, PO Box 104180 Jefferson City, MO 65110-4180
  • Beneficiary Bank (BNF) – BTC Bank
  • BNF Routing Number – 101916307
  • BNF Physical Address – 3606 Miller St., Bethany MO 64424
  • Further Credit to – Your Name and Account Number

For outgoing wires:

  • Please provide the the name, address, receiving bank's routing number and account number.
  • Please contact bookkeeping with any questions (660) 425-7285.


We offer free notary service to our bank customers.
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We can help you pursue independence, freedom and the things that matter most to you.
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The right choice, right now, to keep tabs on daily spending and manage your money the way you like