Update 10/23/2020 - Our bank lobbies are open!
- Hand sanitizer is available to use when entering and exiting the bank lobby.
- Maintain a distance of 6' from others at all times.
- All BTC Bank employees will be wearing masks and we recommend that all customers wear masks as well.
- Our drive-thru is fully operational, as well as our night depository.
- Customers can expect to see plexiglass shields at desks and teller stations.
Please be aware of a phishing email targeting small businesses.
It is from a malicious actor who is spoofing the Small Business Administration COVID-19 loan relief website via phishing emails to steal credentials.
The email is coming from disastercustomerservice@sba[.]gov
Subject Line: SBA Application – Review and Proceed
The text in the body of the email urges the recipient to click on the hyperlink, which is malicious. Below is the web page it will direct the recipient to if they decided to click. You can see it looks very real, however, the URL at the top is not the SBA website.

Update 5/9/2020 8:00 a.m. - BTC Bank is excited to announce that we will be reopening our lobbies Monday, May 11, 2020 with COVID-19 safety precautions:
- We are limiting the amount of customers inside our banks. Signs are posted at each location. We encourage customers to check with their bank for information and instructions on access.
- Walk-ins are welcome for teller transactions only. Otherwise, we ask that you still make an appointment to speak with a banker.
- Maintain a distance of 6' from others at all times.
- All customers except those completing teller transactions must complete a screening questionnaire.
- We request that upon completion of your transaction or appointment, that you exit the bank as soon as possible to allow other customers to enter.
- All BTC Bank employees will be wearing masks and we recommend that all customers wear masks as well.
- Customers can expect to see plexiglass shields at teller stations. These stations are wiped down after every transaction. Additionally, hand sanitizer is available at each entrance of the bank.
Update 5/5/2020 2:30 p.m. - The U.S. Small Business Administration announced today that agricultural businesses are now eligible for SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance programs. SBA’s EIDL portal will reopen today as a result of funding authorized by Congress through the Paycheck Protection Program and Healthcare Enhancement Act. For more information, please visit: www.sba.gov/Disaster.
Update 5/1/2020 7:00 p.m. - All BTC Bank locations will continue to operate as drive-thru only and will accept appointments during normal business hours beginning Monday, May 4, 2020 until further notice. We appreciate your patience as we continue to monitor the emerging COVID-19 pandemic.
Update 4/20/20 4:10 p.m. - All BTC Bank locations are operating as drive-thru only. Loan Officers are available by appointment.
Update 4/15/20 5:20 p.m. - The first round of economic impact payment direct deposit payments rolled out today as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). We know the importance of these payments to those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, so we've created a page dedicated to the Frequently Asked Questions for the Economic Impact Payments.
Update 4/10/2020 2:05 p.m. - BTC Bank will be completely closing it's Bethany location only on Saturday, April 11, 2020. During this time, customers may use our other close BTC locations in Lamoni, Albany, Pattonsburg or Gallatin. The Bethany drive-thru will reopen on Monday, April 13, with no lobby access until further notice. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Update 3/27/2020 1:54 p.m. - As the coronavirus pandemic continues, scammers are exploiting consumers’ fears and uncertainties about the virus to perpetrate a range of fraud scams. Learn more: Tips to Avoid Coronavirus Scams and Protect Your Money.
Update 3/19/2020 2:42 p.m. - BTC Bank is offering Extended Drive-thru Hours beginning March 20, 2020.
We are closely monitoring the emerging COVID-19 (coronavirus) public health threat and taking precautions to ensure our customers and employees remain as safe as possible.
To this end, all BTC Bank branches will operate as drive-thru only beginning on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Our Beaman branch does not offer drive-thru service and will remain closed during this time.
Until further notice, we will provide drive-thru service only at all of our branch locations, with the exception of closing our Beaman branch, as a precautionary measure to limit the spread of the coronavirus, as per the social distancing guidance of the CDC.
We’re here for you – in good times and challenging times – and this situation is no exception. As always, there are a number of ways you can access your accounts and manage your finances using any of the following options:
- ATMs
- Online Banking
- Mobile App
- Telephone Banking - (877) BTC-BANK
- If you require access to your Safe Deposit Box, please notify a banker in the drive-thru and they will assist you.
- Loan officers will be available by appointment only. Please call your local branch for more information.
For locations that do not offer drive-thru service, please visit our location finder for details on the closest drive-thru or ATM, or consider using online Banking or the Mobile Banking App.
Our business continues as usual
Rest assured that our standard business processes and commitments remain in place. We will continue to serve you and service your accounts as we always have. We have comprehensive plans in place that allow us to move forward with payroll, payments, transactions and more – all as normal.
BTC Bank wants to remind customers that their insured deposits are safe and backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC). Click to learn more about BTC Bank Deposit Safety.
We are taking extensive preparations across all lines of business. Here are a few examples:
- We are monitoring the situation continuously and following the guidance and direction of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.
- In our branches, we are making additional efforts to disinfect work areas and equipment, and help our team safely handle cash.
- To prevent the spread of the virus, we are encouraging anyone who feels sick to stay home.
- If the situation warrants, we are prepared to make changes to peak hours of branch operation, including encouraging increased use of mobile banking, drive-thru windows and online banking, to allow you to conduct business while minimizing your exposure to others.
- We are directing all of our managers to execute their business continuity plans in order to mitigate disruption to our operations, allowing us to continue to serve you.
- We are confirming contingency plans with our key suppliers.
- We are limiting domestic business travel where possible in order to avoid exposure of our team members to crowded mass transit systems.
- We are increasing our use of alternate communication channels (telephone and web) in place of large meetings.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation and do all we can to protect you and our employees. Thank you for your patience during this time.
Please contact your local BTC Bank or directly call the Main Location at
660-425-7285 or email info@btcbank.bank.